Community National Schools

Community National Schools (CNS) model was established in 2008 and are managed by the Education and Training Boards (ETBs). ETBs, formerly VECs, are statutory authorities with responsibility for Community National Schools, over 270 second-level schools, and a wide range of adult and further education training centres and services. They have developed an excellent reputation for their provision of inclusive, innovative, high quality education that meets the needs of the entire community.

CNS schools benefit greatly from a broad range of supports and services that are not available to other schools. ETBs provide governance, educational, administrative, financial, human resources and information technology (IT) supports to schools. This has a direct impact on the children and families attending these schools, as it allows school leadership to focus on their primary task of leading teaching and learning. This ensures the highest standard of excellence in our schools.

CNS recognise the wishes of parents/guardians to have their children receive either religious education or morality based education during the school day. A new, child-centred, multi-belief programme “Goodness Me, Goodness You” has been developed.

Further information on Community National Schools can be found at